MSM: The Forgotten Nutrient

MSM (methylsulphonylmethane) is a nutritional organic form of sulphur found in all living things. It is a vital, naturally occurring nutrient, which is lost during food processing. Considering that it is the 4th most important nutrient in the body, it is rather astonishing that so few speak of the importance of organic sulphur when talking about the health of the human body.

Sulfur - The Forgotten Essential Element

World-renowned expert on nutritional medicine Carl Pfeiffer, M.D., Ph.D. states, “Sulfur is the forgotten essential element.”

MSM is the natural source of biological sulphur and is rated as one of the least toxic substances in biology; toxicity rating similar to water.

MSM is used as a food supplement only and is not intended for use as a medicine, vitamin, or a drug. Even though MSM is a member of the sulphur family, it should never be confused with sulpha drugs. It is completely safe, odourless and non-toxic. It has been tested and proven to provide relief from numerous ailments.

Naturally occurring sulphur, such Miracle Products MSM, is NOT similar to inorganic sulphides, sulphites and sulphates to which many people have allergic reactions.

One Of The Most Prominent Compounds In Our Bodies

MSM is actually one of the most prominent compounds in our bodies, just behind water and sodium. The body uses 1/8 tsp of sulphur each day, just during resting time alone; while active or ill bodies need much more.

Whether it’s your lifestyle that is out of balance or caused by an injury, or if you’re looking to enhance your natural lifestyle, MSM could be the nutrient you’ve been seeking. According to Stanley Jacobs, M.D., there may be no pharmaceutical back pain therapy better–or safer–than MSM.

Sulfur Oxygenates The Cells And Alkalises The Blood

Oxygen is needed for cellular regeneration and detoxification; biological sulfur is the main carrier of oxygen across the cell membrane. When oxygen transport is improved, so to is nutrient uptake. Sulfur also alkalizes the blood. Cancer cells and parasites thrive in low oxygen and acidic conditions. Sulfur helps the body to fight both of these conditions.


From increasing your energy levels to helping with conditions like allergies and asthma, MSM performs a series of important functions in your body every day.

1. Body Building & Repair: Sulphur is perhaps one of the most important nutrients required by our body for repair as it is present in the amino acids which create the basic building blocks of protein. It also has a series of other healing and preventive properties for the human body. MSM happens to be the best form of sulphur that can be consumed.

2. Bone, Joint & Nerve Care: MSM is a beneficial nutrient for your bone health, helping conditions like arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Being a calcium phosphate dissolver, MSM helps in breaking up the unhealthy calcium deposits in the body that are a root cause of degenerative diseases. Sulphur supports the repair of the myelin sheath, the protector and insulator that wraps around segments of the nerve axons, making it especially important for people dealing with any type of nerve damage, Multiple Sclerosis and Peripheral Neuropathy.

3. The Detoxification Effect: For detoxification, sulphur plays a key role to one of the most important antioxidants that your body produces; glutathione. Without sulphur, glutathione cannot work. If you are not getting enough sulfur in your diet, you’re not going to be able to naturally produce glutathione, which is absolutely essential for removing heavy metals and many other toxins you’re exposed to.

2013 - Dr. Joan Caron Demonstrated That MSM Reverses Cancerous Phenotypes Back To Normal Healthy Tissue!

Not All MSM is Equal – Consume Only The Purest Quality MSM

In creating MSM retail products, anti-caking agents are necessary for the production of capsules and pills. These additives and the process of pulverizing the sulphur crystals into powder, seriously interferes with the body's uptake of the sulphur. Most commercially available MSM does not contain more than 34% sulphur, the sulphur it does contain, is often contaminated with additives. Through observation and testing some MSM products contain no bio-available sulphur at all.

Studies show that the silicon dioxide or silica used in prescription medications and nutraceutical products can block 100% the body's uptake of sulphur.

4. Skin & Hair Care: The sulphur provided by MSM produces generous quantities of collagen and keratin, both of which are vital for healthy hair and nails.
In fact, MSM is often referred to as the ‘beauty mineral’ owing to its ability to enhance the thickness and strength of nails as well as hair in a very short span of time.

MSM has proven benefit and relief for many conditions:

  • Psoriasis
  • Eczema
  • Rosacea
  • Allergies
  • Dermatitis
  • pH Balance
  • Acne
  • Dandruff
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma
  • Joint Stiffness
  • Scar Tissue
  • Improves Circulation
  • Improving cell vitality
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Oxygenation
  • Reducing pain and swelling
  • Improving Digestion

Sulphur Is An Essential Oxygenator & Carries Oxygen Into The Cell

5. Natural Energy Booster: Sulphur is key in carrying oxygen into the cell. As we age our cell walls become more rigid creating a decrease in the amount of nutrients and oxygen that can enter the cell. Also, toxins which get stored in the cell get trapped due to the lower permeability of the cell wall. MSM increases permeability of the cell walls enhancing the absorption of nutrients and oxygen while also helping toxins to be released. Detoxification of the body increases energy.

Suggested Dosage Of MSM

Mix 1/4 teaspoon in water per day for four days then increase to 1/2 tsp daily.

Repeat for several weeks gradually increasing the amount until you are taking 2 tsp daily. This can make up for the years of deficiency that your body has experienced.

Reduce the amount to a maintenance level for whatever works best for you.

Average maintenance level: 1/2 to 2 teaspoon per day. Take the amount of MSM that gives you the relief you desire.

Always Drink Plenty of Water When Consuming MSM

Suggested dosage for a person weighing 70 kg is 1/2 teaspoon once in the morning and again mid afternoon. Too much Organic Sulphur has never revealed harm; in fact evidence shows the body works better with too much rather than too little. MSM Has the Toxicity Rating of Water

Additional Benefits Of MSM

Scar Tissue: Burn victim Bill Rich discovered MSM when a veterinarian friend had him try MSM. Bill's skin was flat, purple and leathery, up and down a majority of the right side of his body. After only a few days of taking MSM, Bill noticed an increase in stamina and energy, and, in time an astonishing effect on his scarred skin as it began to heal, turn pink, and fill in. As of this writing, Bill had little more than a 2 inch section of skin that is still barely detectable after having more than 60 feet of skin graft scars.

Wrinkles: When the body replaces old skin cells, if there is a deficiency of MSM, the new cells are stiff and contribute to wrinkling. MSM supplementation helps the body replace bad cells with new, healthy, elastic cells. In time, wrinkles go away. Brown and black spots and skin tumours can be arrested and reversed as new cells replace the "insufficient" cells.

Damaged Skin: It is the MSM in Aloe Vera leaves that sooths and repairs skin that has been cut, scraped, burned or damaged. The body then repairs the skin with the proper raw materials. MSM can be added to water, aloe vera gel, and other preparations for application to the skin. Best results are obtained when MSM is taken internally as well as applied topically.

Lung Dysfunction: Emphysema is not always caused by smoking. Horses and dogs get emphysema, and they don't smoke: It is a deficiency of organic sulphur that causes this condition (welding fumes, smoke, etc. are an aggravation), and supplementation with MSM can reverse it. John Booth of Portland Oregon, states: "I worked in the shipyards as a welder down in the hull and smoked 2 packs of cigarettes a day. I got emphysema; I was coughing and hurting most of the time. I started taking MSM, and after a year I have strong lungs that allow me to breathe easily. The MSM made it possible for me to continue on with my work and my life."

Diabetes: Even diabetics can benefit from MSM supplementation. Self-regulation of blood sugar can occur because MSM allows for proper absorption of blood sugars and insulin, and even repair of a damaged pancreas. When there is an MSM deficiency, cell membranes become less permeable, the pancreas overworks and ultimately fails, while blood sugars saturate the blood stream, instead of entering the cells, to provide nourishment and energy.

Sore Joints and Muscles: Testimonials of many athletes point to the ability of MSM to increase athletic stamina and eliminate sore muscles. This is because MSM increases the ability of the body to eliminate wastes and toxins at the cellular level, where good health begins. Actor James Coburn, is one person among many who are sold on MSM for arthritis pain.

Candida Yeast: This organism belongs in the large intestine, where it co-exists with acidophilus and prevents the take-over of harmful bacteria. When acidophilus is damaged or eliminated by antibiotic use or gltsophate, Candida can overgrow to the extent that it becomes "systemic", i.e. gets into the blood stream, where it competes for nutrients and emits waste materials that produce a myriad of disease symptoms. MSM balances blood stream pH and tissues of the body and prevents Candida from living anywhere outside the intestines, where it belongs.

Supplementing with MSM can DRASTICALLY improve your health, longevity, and vitality. Click the link below to try our Miracle Products MSM.