
Essentials of Energetic Medicine | From Energy Fields to Quantum Healing
The Basics of Energetic Medicine and Its Scope
The field of Energetic Medicine is vast in scope and broad in its applications. This presentation offers a brief overview of six main areas pertinent to the vocation in energetic medicine. Each of these areas merits much further study, and it is hoped that your interest will be stimulated in some of these areas, and you will experience the joy of commitment to ‘lifelong learning’ in at least some of these topics.
- The Holistic vs. Reductionist world view
- The Human Energy Field (HEF) and Electro-Physiological Reactivity (EPR)
- Hans Selye’s General Adaptive Stress model
- The Practitioner as Educator
- Homeopathic Principles
- Subspace and Quantum Communication
Life is far too complex to be reduced to linear concepts, or even linguistic restraints. At best, we can only describe aspects of life’s complexity, and occasionally intuit the larger patterns and creative genius within and around these patterns. Much of what passes as ‘knowledge’ in science is merely descriptive.
Data is only information that can be arbitrarily manipulated to ‘prove’ virtually anything. However, although we can never ‘know it all’, the more we can step back, gain perspective and perceive the patterns, the more complete our understanding can become. This is the beauty of ‘lifelong learning’. We see both the ‘parts’ through linguistic and conceptual means and the ‘whole’ via intuitive and non-verbal capabilities. This is where Science and Art meet.
The Shift from Reductionism to Holism
The Limitations of Reductionist Science in Medicine
To appreciate the meaning of Holism in today’s world, we must see it against the Historical and Cultural background from which it has emerged as a modern movement.
Reductionism describes the predominant view in Western civilisation that emerged out of the era of the Industrial Revolution. This was a time starting around 400 years ago when it became profitable for some to amplify human labor by means of machines. Philosophers, writers and leading intellectuals of the time were enamored with the power of machines, and projected this mechanistic mode of thinking onto the natural world.
The universe was believed to operate according to predictable physical laws, and was described as a ‘clockwork universe’. These leaders were filled with confidence and optimism that one day, all life processes, including human biology, could be ‘reduced’ to simple, physical laws easily described in terms of Newtonian physics and linear mathematics. These sciences used the language of Reductionism, and ‘proved’ to most people’s satisfaction, that the complexity of the ‘whole’, whether mechanical or biological, could only be understood by looking at the ‘parts’.
This viewpoint does make sense when it comes to mechanical devices and simple physical events, like describing the effect of ‘gravity’ on a falling object or understanding the physical relationship between two ‘gravitational’ bodies, like the Sun and Earth, for example. However, as soon as you began to move to a higher level of complexity, say, the relationship between 3 ‘gravitational’ bodies, Reductionist physics and linear math were insufficient.
Reductionist science, then and now, is rooted in a belief in the value of measurement; inventing new terms to describe things, and a belief that observation in an experimental setting is a completely reliable and trustworthy means to come to valuable conclusions. The senses are assumed to be entirely reliable indicators of the nature of ‘reality’.
A problem with this view, however, is the human tendency to mistake labelling with understanding; like mistaking the ‘map’ for the ‘territory’. This is known as ‘reification’; when we elevate the label or concept to the status of the thing or event we attempting to describe. Much of ‘higher education’ is just this; memorising the descriptive language of a field of study sufficient enough to sound knowledgeable.
The philosopher Laplace (1749-1847) along with many Reductionist ‘believers’, honestly felt some day Life could be reduced to one simple equation. Today, this quest continues in the form of the search for a final ‘unified theory of everything’. Trouble is, Life is proving to be much more complex and unpredictable than expected, and it’s never the same, and therefore resists measurement. After all, isn’t ‘that which changes’ a good definition of Life?
Reductionist Science, however, is firmly entrenched in society’s mainstream institutions, including science, medicine, education and religion. Most tragic is the effect of Reductionist ‘blinders’ on Medical Science. Vested interests in the military industrialist petro-chemical and pharmaceutical cartels have a huge investment in Reductionist Science. When people can be reduced to a simple ‘diagnosis’ requiring a specific ‘prescription’, you have a nice captive market, don’t you?
More recent discoveries in Science, however, have seriously challenged basic Reductionist premises. Chaos Theory was the result of weather scientists discovering hitherto unsuspected patterns in the details of coastlines only revealed by the degree of detail provided by satellite photography. Basically, Chaos Theory proposes that chaos or randomness only exists in our limited perception, and that given enough perspective, that is, a wide enough view, a pattern will emerge out of any apparently chaotic event.
Are not our lives themselves testimony to this observation?
Despite the apparent chaos of our lives in the past, here we are today, focused and organised around today’s experience.
Fractal geometry, or ‘fractal art’ are images created by extending mathematical equations many times over into a graphic form. Here we see many of Nature’s patterns emerge, indicating Nature herself is a master mathematician. Again, a deeper level of intelligence is at work, ‘hidden’ behind the obvious, but made visible by a change in our perspective.
Cymatics can be described as the process of visualizing sound waves by vibrating a medium.
All sounds we hear are waves, typically in air, that vibrate your eardrums, which in turn create electrical signals to send to your brain to interpret. These waves are only invisible to our eyes simply because air is invisible.
The concept of cymatics is to use a substance other than air to transmit sound in order to visualise the waves.
Hans Jenny the forefather of cymatics - all credits given.
This was most notably done by Hans Jenny, who attached a sine wave frequency generator to a metal plate, placed sand or dust on the metal plate, and then vibrated the metal plate at different frequencies using the frequency generator.
He found that at certain frequencies, the sand or dust would form geometric patterns that became more and more complex at higher and higher frequencies. The discoveries in Quantum Physics in the last century have also seriously challenged the assumptions of Reductionism. At its most basic, even the understanding that all matter is a form of ‘frozen energy’ and is therefore subject to ‘energetic laws’ compels one to go beyond the boundaries of Materialism and Empiricism in truly understanding the nature of reality.
Reductionism, although applicable to machines and mechanical processes, fails miserably when applied to Living Systems.
Nowhere is Reductionism more harmful than when applied to human health!
Modern Western Medicine, despite its success in dealing with physical trauma, has failed miserably in addressing and preventing the major killers in the industrialised world: degenerative diseases rooted in diet, lifestyle and mental and emotional stress.
Recent studies by JAMA and Dr. Mercola (www.mercola.com) have identified Modern Reductionist Medicine as the number one killer in modern society. ‘Iatrogenic Disease’ is the term coined by Ivan Illich (1926 - 2002) many decades ago to describe ‘death by medicine’.
As the philosopher Goethe says, “Nothing is more terrible than active ignorance”. Although there are many sincere individuals in the Health Care system today, the system itself is calcified by academic arrogance, vested moneyed interests, and a ‘disease-care’ mentality that profits from disease management rather than prevention.
To put things in perspective, consider that in China, a traditional Doctor is paid as long as his patients are healthy; when they fall ill, they may withhold payment. So the Chinese Doctor’s motivation is to keep you well! He is also responsible to keep the incidence of illnesses under a prescribed level for his assigned population...if the levels rise above the accepted average, he is returned to school for more education or re-training in another field.
The Holistic Perspective: A Broader View of Health
Around the turn of the last century when mass production was introduced, a new way at looking how machines worked together was called for. This led to the development of ‘Systems Theory’; a mathematical model that addressed the need to navigate a greater complexity.
Around the 1920’s, the philosopher Koestler (1905 – 1983) proposed the concept of the ‘holon’. A holon is anything that can be viewed as a separate ‘thing’, but at the same time was part of a larger ‘thing’, or whole. For example, a baby is a ‘thing’, but at the same time is part of a family, which is another ‘thing’. A family is also part of a community, which is part of a nation, continent, planet, solar system...and on and on. In fact, the entire phenomenal universe is simply a set of ‘nested holons’; every separate part intimately involved in greater and lesser levels of organization, ultimately making one thing (a ‘uni-verse’ or ‘one song’)
So while Reduction purports, ‘to understand the Whole, look at the Parts’, Holism suggests ‘to understand the Parts, look at the Whole’. In order to ‘see’ the Whole, however, it often requires that we change the way we perceive reality. Most of what we perceive is linguistically mediated and the result of conditioning.
By necessity, it seems, we ‘break up’ reality into little digestible ‘bits’ (words and concepts) so we can ‘digest’ it. We then make the mistake of assuming our little ‘bits’ actually describe ‘the way it is’. We then have a hard time seeing the larger patterns in our experience because we are so focused on the details; the ‘bits’ we have created with our minds.
528Hz - The Love Frequency - Hold Higher Inspiration
In order to begin the think holistically, we need to use our perceptual tools, our minds, differently. For most people, linear observations (‘this’ caused ‘that’) and linguistic intelligence is a product of the left hemisphere of the brain. This type of brain activity produces a measurable electrical brain wave activity in the ‘Beta’ range.
We must break free from the strict boundaries of linear thinking, and to do that we need to incorporate the right hemisphere of the brain. This is the part of the brain involved in non-verbal activities, like appreciating colour, sound, or feelings. When the left and right hemisphere of the brain are both active at the same time, this tends to produced a more relaxed ‘Alpha’ brain wave state, which is more conducive to pattern recognition. We all experience Alpha when we are caught up in the beauty of a sunset, a piece of inspiring music, or the cooing of a baby.
There are some simple ‘tricks’ you can use to generate an Alpha state. One is simply to become aware of what you are seeing in your peripheral vision. This simple shift of attention will activate both brain hemispheres. Another is to shift your gaze upward about 45 degrees and with your eyes open or closed, recall a pleasant memory or imaginary scene and bring as many senses (smell, taste, sound, etc) into the memory as possible. Simple meditations like the ‘Breath Meditation for Stress Relief’ can also help.
The Alpha state is inherently healing. It helps us take specific ‘bits’ of information into account, but not over-react or ascribe too much ‘meaning’ to any specific bit, knowing that a larger pattern is always involved. We must appreciate that perception is only ever partial, and what is most significant is not likely known by the conscious mind!
The main implication of the above discussion is that despite what the verbal mind thinks it knows, ‘there is always a bigger picture’. And the wider our view, the more comprehensive and effective our assessment and intervention will be.
A good example lies in the Reductionist assumption the symptom reduction is ‘curing’. This is like pretending the tip of the iceberg is all there is, because that is all we can see. Yet the symptom is always a sign of a deeper imbalance. Most honest researchers today have broken away from trying to prove absolute causation, and have embraced statistical models that at least allow for ‘multi-factorial’ causes to an outcome.
If we look at the physical body as the ‘tip of the iceberg’ representing many other levels of existence, it is easier to accept that the state of the body is always multifactorial. If our definition of ‘Spiritual’ is simply that which incorporates all possible levels of existence, material and non- material, then it can be said that health, illness and the healing process is always and ultimately Spiritual. This is the Holistic level we are working on.
It is now clear that there are at least 10 Dimensions to “reality”. ‘Dimension’ here simply refers to a specific frequency band where matter and non-material energy vibrates at different speeds. This 10 Dimensional model is consistent with many traditional views of reality, including the Ayurvedic and Buddhist world views, as well as Einstein, who postulated six non-material dimensions to support what he was observing in four.
To be truly Holistic, we must acknowledge the rightful place of Reductionist, or ‘Allopathic’ medicine. As noted, the strength of Allopathy is in the management of trauma. This is essentially the medicine of a military-industrialist war-based economy, and is well suited as such. As such, the Holistic view, which sees life in all of its complexity, is simply a ‘bigger’ view, not necessarily ‘better’.
The Human Energy Field (HEF) Explained
Historical and Modern Discoveries on HEF
Practically every known human culture, past and present, has, to some degree, recognised an ‘energetic’ aspect of Life. Often this understanding was couched in what we would refer to as ‘religious’ or ‘metaphysical’ beliefs, myths and practices. Nonetheless, there seems to be a universal acceptance of something non-physical co-existing along with the physical aspects of life. To believe otherwise would be to reduce ‘reality’ to only what our senses are capable of perceiving.
This ridiculous assumption is at the basis of much of the modern world’s beliefs about the nature of reality, and the basis of many of our scientific and educational institutions. This orientation toward a very narrow perspective on reality is also consistent with the domination of western culture by patriarchal systems bent on exploitation of nature, fellow humans and the pursuit of unlimited profit and wealth for the few. Left-brain dominant thinking, conducive to linear logic and ‘cause-and-effect’ perceptions, is encouraged and supported by Materialist culture, as it serves its purposes well.
Right-brain intelligence, more conducive to intuitive as well as artistic modes of perception, has been generally regarded as the domain of the feminine, and has traditionally been regarded as largely ‘unreliable’ when it comes to operating in the ‘real’ world of people and things. A few maverick researchers have, in recent times, stepped outside the limits of materialism to prove experimentally the existence and function of ‘invisible’ forces operating in Nature.
Among these is the Yale researcher, Harold Saxon Burr, who, in the 1970’s, was experimenting with Kirlian photographs of plant seeds. This was a form of ultra sensitive photography that would reveal an energetic force field, which Burr called an ‘L’ (for Life) Field, around living plant seeds.
Perhaps the fact that Kirlian photography was Russian technology contributed to the lack of interest or support Burr’s work elicited. Regardless, his research proved the existence of an energy field around seeds roughly in the shape of an adult form of their particular plant. For example, the “L” field around an acorn was found to be in the shape of an oak tree! A wheat kernel revealed a field in the shape of a stalk of wheat.
The Role of Chakras and Energy Medicine
Pioneering Studies and Their Impact on Energetic Medicine
Another pioneer in this area is Valerie Hunt, who for decades has been involved with EMG Biofeedback research at the University of Southern California.
Early on in her research, she was recording EMG levels emanating from the body of subjects at levels far beyond the known levels of EMG generated by muscle action. Her curiosity aroused, she invited people she knew who displayed gifts of ESP to come into the lab and help her understand what was being measured.
She learned that the very high frequencies coming from the body were emanating over points on the body regarded by ancient cultures as ‘Chakras’, or energy portals which are vortexes of energy integrating and balancing the various frequency bands of the energy field, as explained in Ayurvedic tradition. Valerie went on to validate scientifically much of what was already know by ‘energy healers’ and other familiar with the Human Energy Field.
Insights from Richard Gerber’s Vibrational Medicine
Another seminal researcher in the area is Dr. Richard Gerber, author of the classic ‘Vibrational Medicine’. Again, we have a ‘mainstream’ -educated MD looking ‘outside the box’ and creating a compendium of theoretical and practical validation of formerly considered ‘esoteric’ practices such as crystal healing, homeopathy, hands-on healing, and prayer.
One of Gerber’s contributions was his explanation of the ‘Tiller -Einstein’ model of light and energy. Einstein assumed that the speed of light was the limit of energy expression in the universe. It was inconceivable, in his mind, that energy could be accelerated beyond this limit. One of the trademark attributes of energy operating within this limit is that it is subject to certain ‘immutable’ laws, including the ‘2nd Law of Thermodynamics’.
This Law explains how matter and energy, which Einstein explained are interchangeable, are unconditionally affected by entropy, which is the tendency of matter/energy to decay and adjust to, or return to, it’s environment. If you put an apple on the table and left it there a year, not much would be left. All, or most, of its matter would have returned to the environment.
William Tiller of Stanford University has proposed that if light could be accelerated beyond the limits of ‘physical’ light, it would no longer be subject to the laws of entropy; rather energy at this rate of vibration would tend towards ‘negative entropy’, or higher levels of organisation and coherence. So below the speed of light, creation tends towards chaos and decay while beyond this limit, creation becomes more organised.
See Gerber’s work for a more detailed explanation of this as well as many more experiments validating the existence and function of the hitherto ‘invisible’ energy fields, which accompany, and as we shall see, support and sustain our physical bodies.
Another one of Burr’s experiments as reported by Gerber was the somewhat famous ‘phantom leaf experiment’. This involved taking a Kirlian photograph of a living leaf, then cutting off a segment of the leaf before re-photographing it. To the experimenter’s surprise, the energy field was still 100% intact, despite part of the leaf missing. This would seem to indicate that that the field somehow ‘pre-exists’ the organism and is a more fundamental aspect of its physical manifestation than earlier suspected.
The phantom leaf experiment
It also pointed to the possibility that the Field was functioning in some manner as a developmental template, both guiding and sustaining the leaf’s growth, but independent of it at the same time. This observation provided a clue as to how complex organisms actually develop from a seed stage.
Biologists understand that the DNA holds the information for all of the inherited characteristics of a plant or animal, but are at a loss when it comes to explaining the intelligence behind the organisation and specialisation of specific body cells as they spontaneously line up to form an adult of their species.
From this perspective, we could say the DNA is the ‘roadmap’, but the HEF is the ‘orchestrator’ or conductor of the process. Remember Tiller’s proposal that faster-than-physical-light energies would tend to be more organisational?
Further to this notion is Rupert Sheldrake’s proposal of a more general, or global, energy template that energetically supports all life forms on the planet. This would mean that the HEF is somehow also ‘tapped into’ a Human Morphogenic Field that is common to all humans.
The pioneering psychologist Carl Jung suggested the same idea on a more mental level, suggesting all humans are connected via a ‘collective consciousness’. Sheldrake suggests that even if there were only 2 members of a rare species of life on the planet, a global Morphogenic Field would be present holding all the information needed to sustain any individuated form of that species.
Just as the HEF provides a developmental template for an individual member of a species, it continues to operate once development is complete as a template for healing. When there is injury, disease or trauma, very little is required for the body to heal.
We are a self-healing system. This describes the principle of ‘homeostasis’; the idea that life forms naturally move toward balance and normalizing once the stressors have been removed and the basic nutrients provided (nutrients including energetic as well as physical factors). The principle of Homeostasis is the basis of any Natural Medicine.
Phantom Limb Effect
Many amputees report sensations in the area where a limb once existed. This ‘phantom limb’ effect is a good illustration of the same ‘phantom leaf experiment’ discussed earlier.
Robert Becker, MD, in his seminar work from the 1960’s, ‘The Body Electric’, describes an experiment where he set out to discover why certain species of animals, salamanders in this case, could spontaneously regenerate a detached limb, while a species with very similar physiology, in this case a frog, could not. Becker’s real interest was in finding a way to stimulate the healing rate of broken bones, but his experiments led to some very intriguing observations.
One of the major differences between these two species under study was that the salamander scar was electrically conductive, while the scar on the stump of the frog limb was not.
If this was an important difference, Becker asked, then perhaps artificially moistening and electrically stimulating the frog’s limb would support regeneration...and it worked!
This experiment points to the action of subtle electrical stimulation ‘pushing’ the damaged cells outward, as it were, to recognise and conform to their ideal in the energetic template. Without the electrical potential, as in the frog’s case, there was no recognition and therefore no regeneration, until the electrical flow was introduced.
It is notable that our work in energetic medicine is just this...introducing or restoring the flow of energy and information in the body with subtle electrical signals which then stimulate a healing response.
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is another good example of how outside electrical field stimulation can create a healing response in the body. A crystal can be described as an organised and compressed bunch of similar molecules, put together by Nature herself.
One of the qualities of a crystal is that they emit a subtle electrical energy field, mostly due to the internal pressure of the molecular patterns. This is known as the ‘piezo-electric effect’. These fields tend reflect the inherent organisation of crystalline molecules and create a ‘coherent’, or organised, electrical field.
When there is a trauma, disease or other stressor in the body, the energy field over the distressed part often displays ‘incoherent’, or a scrambled quality. Sensitive individuals can pass their hands over the body and detect these subtle changes in the energy field over a problematic area. When a coherent crystal-field is placed in the proximity of an incoherency in the body, a healing response can trigger, particularly if the crystal-field is strong enough and specific enough to address a particular aberrant frequency pattern.
Throughout history, healers have known certain stones and crystals have specific healing effects on certain functions and parts of the body. Again, are we simply stimulating a ‘return to normal’ and the healing function inherent in the HEF?
Many energy workers have experienced and observed a physical response in their clients such as pain relief, reduced inflammation and rapid healing with these ancient techniques. Many also agree that given the physical body is much denser and less responsive to energies that the ‘non-physical’ bodies (HEF), that illness and disease most likely occur first as a change in the energy field followed ultimately with a physical symptom or response if the stressor is not detected soon enough.
So in going to the cause or most fundamental level of disease, we must look beyond the mere physical. To ignore the Energy Field is to ignore the vast depths of existence below the surface waves, and to discount the elegant complexity and intelligence of Nature.
Perhaps most pertinent to our work in Energy Medicine is how the HEF operates in each present moment as an intelligent, reactive field. “Reactivity’ explains the ability of the HEF to respond with signals of attraction or aversion toward our environment.
This is part of Nature’s survival programming, and not only guides humans, but all life forms down to the simplest single-cell organisms. Observe a bacterium under a microscope and you will see it move toward food or prey, and instantly recoil when it becomes food or prey. In humans, the Reactive response is as functionally simple, yet is complicated by many mental, emotional and other conditioning factors that can impact our ability to react appropriately.
This built-in feedback system is also responsible for the subtle energetic changes involved with muscle testing and dowsing. When the body is exposed to a need or stressor, there is an instantaneous response via the autonomic nervous system, which in turn affects muscle response.
In the modern West, Reinhardt Voll, a German acupuncturist practicing in 1950’s, was among the first to validate electrical changes in the body in response to stimuli via changes in skin resistance measured over specific acupuncture points. He created tables of healthy electrical averages, and was able to predict weakness or illness in a specific organ or system based on measuring deviations from these norms in certain clients.
This technique provided an ‘energetic window’ into the body and had tremendous implications for the early detection and prevention of illness, based on detecting imbalances in the meridians before they manifested physically. Health practitioners still use this early device for allergy and remedy testing.
An important aspect of Reactivity is that the reactive system is prone to energy loss. ‘Fritche’s Law’ states that a reactive system loses power when it reacts, as there is always an exchange of energy involved. This is why at the end of a long day when we have been called upon to react to a variety of people, things and situations, we feel literally ‘drained’ by the day’s events.
If we take some ‘down time’ to relax and rejuvenate, our batteries will self-charge, and we are ready for another day. In Chinese Medicine, it is the kidney/adrenal complex, which is the ‘battery’ of the body, and the status of this battery is reflected in the Voltage measured in cells.
Hans Selye (1907 – 1982) was a pioneering MD from Montreal, Quebec. He realised that many symptoms associated with chronic ill health were a direct result of an ongoing Stress Reaction. He thus recognised that ‘symptoms’ ran much deeper than assumed by the comparatively simplistic Medical Model.
He basically identified that ‘stress accumulates’ in the body. Once a Stress symptom is experienced, if the Stressor, or cause of the Stress, is not identified and removed, the body will go through a series of predictable phases of relationship with the Stressor. The concept of Stress detection and reduction fits very well with our Natural Medicine model and the principles of Biofeedback. We understand by these models that once Stressors are removed, the body naturally returns to balance, or homeostasis.
Selye identified three primary phases of how the body deals with Stress. Essentially, the body is intelligent; if a Stressor goes undetected and remains a factor over time, the body will shift from a healthy Alarm Response and adapt to the stressor, known as the ‘Resistance’ phase. If the stressor still remains unresolved the body moves into a more serious ‘Exhaustion’ phase.
Let’s discuss these in more detail.
Keep in mind the definition of stress is expanded beyond the common usage of the phrase to include subtler forms of stress, including mental, emotional, psychic and non-local factors. Even a deficiency or need, indicated by a positive ‘reaction toward’ something indicates a Stressed state; in this case, a lack.
Although it sounds counterintuitive, this is the ideal phase. A person in Alarm is generally reacting appropriately to their environment, and is likely sensitive to the body’s signals, identifying Stressors as they are encountered and making the best decisions regarding them, such as avoidance.
Most children will show up in Alarm, as they simply have not had enough time to accumulate a significant amount of Stressors. Often the Alarm response will produce a tangible symptom, like a sneeze, itch or headache. The perceptive person may associate this new sensation with a recent novel experience, such as eating ice cream, for example, and may decide to avoid that food, or experiment with different flavours in the future.
The non-perceptive person may not make the association between the ‘trigger’ and the symptom, and may continue the behaviour, assuming the symptom is simply part of ‘who I am”. Over time and continued exposure to the Stressor, the body will assume the Stressor is now part of the ongoing reality, and will adjust accordingly by moving into the Resistance phase with that particular Stressor.
A person in the Alarm phase will be stressed by specific chemicals, foods or psychological situations, but will find they return to Homeostasis fairly easily once they address the Stressor. You could say they are consciously interacting with their environment.
As noted above, when a Stressor becomes an ongoing issue, the body, in a sense, assumes it will continue to be a part of the ‘new reality’, and so attempts to adjust. This adjustment, however, often involves chronic elevated Stress Hormone secretion. This can further lead to chronic inflammation, deregulated digestion, dysfunctional breathing patterns and other sub-clinical Stress symptoms.
The overt symptom however, related to the Stressor initially, is gone. This can lead to a false sense of security. It is common for people conditioned by simplistic Western Medicine to assume ‘Because I have no symptoms, I must be healthy’. People are generally encouraged to see the Doctor only upon the onset of an uncomfortable symptom.
But, as we now understand, lack of symptoms does not mean absence of disease. Therefore, a major implication of the Resistance phase is that the Stressor is still at work, only at deeper, submerged levels, negatively affecting perhaps the cells, tissues or specifics organs, unbeknownst to the ‘stressee’. Unfortunately, most adults in modern society are in some form of Resistance/Adaptation, given a lifetime of exposure to Stressors that most of our ancestors did not have to deal with.
Over time and continued exposure to a Stressor, even the ability to Adapt can break down. This is due to the accumulation of Stress at the sub-clinical levels. Remember, ‘stress accumulates’ in the body. Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) was an early protégé of Sigmund Freud, and identified that emotional Stress is actually ‘recorded’ in the muscles and tissues. He demonstrated that physical massage can release this pent-up energy. Reich is the forefather of modern bodywork techniques.
During Exhaustion, the hormonal Stress response of the body is severely challenged, particularly the Adrenal/Kidney complex. The ability to resist further Stressors is inhibited, and the Immune system begins to suffer. It is during this phase that inherited or constitutional weaknesses are most likely to manifest. This is a time for rest, rejuvenation, and primarily, discovery and removal of the chronic stress patterns. This is the state most likely accompanying a Diagnosable disease, indicating that Disease is the end result of a long relationship with our Stressors.
Sometimes it is possible to identify the specific Stressor being expressed in the Exhaustion phase by the nature of the symptom. With Exhaustion, we will often see a re-emergence of the original symptom that was repressed during Resistance/Adaptation. This would be consistent with the principles of Homotoxicology, which state that symptoms suppressed by drugs do not ‘go away’; they are driven deeper.
In Natural Medicine, it is assumed the suppressed symptom will re- emerge as part of the healing process. We should not be surprised then that a symptom should emerge as part of not only the body’s signaling system, but a natural expression of the healing response. This can be experienced as a Healing Crisis or Herxheimer Reaction.
Selye Stress Model
1. Alarm Phase: a stressor has entered the client’s energy field and produces an alarm reaction/symptom.
2. Resistance/Adaptation Phase: the stressor remains present so the body adopts another approach to minimize the damage. Often symptoms disappear at this stage as the system adapts to the stressor and system functioning becomes compromised.
3. Exhaustion Phase: if the stressor remains then the adaptation function becomes worn down and exhausted.
Phase 2 and 3 are the basis of a chronic stress pattern. These phases can be free of medically diagnosable symptoms, as the body has no energy left to respond, such as in chronic fatigue.
Applying Energetic Medicine in Modern Practice
The Role of Practitioners as Educators
The latin root word for ‘doctor’ is ‘eductor’. This is the same root word for ‘educator’. So we see the original intent of the title ‘doctor’ was to educate people in the ways of healthy living.
In Energy Medicine, this is one of our primary roles. Many of our client’s complaints are because of lack of education, understanding and knowledge of ‘how to live in a body’. Lack of education can be a cause of disease.
Most people in our culture have been conditioned to think of symptoms and health in terms of ‘diagnosis and treatment’, which is the exclusive domain of the ‘experts’. There is a class and education-based gulf between the ‘average person’ and the university educated ‘expert’ that is particularly evident in the modern western Medical Model.
So the main benefit of 'taking an educational' is not only to empower people with information (‘knowledge is power’) but to hopefully instill a new light of self-responsibility. We live in the ‘information age’ where anyone with access to a computer or library can get the information they need quickly and relatively easily. Ultimately, more knowledge will lead to greater trust and intuitive knowing which opens the door to all to become their own ‘healers’.
I encourage the use of easily understood handouts, articles and booklets. Our website is a good resource for collecting useful articles on many basic topics like nutrition, allergies and supplements.
How Miracle Products Become Energy Medicine
Additionally, we have 2 articles that explain more about Our Tesla Scalar Vortex Quantum Sound Infrared & Inert Noble Gas device which we use to enhance the bio-availability and shelf life of all our products.
We also make sure to use Solfeggio frequency of 528Hz, also known as the Love Frequency, Miracle Tone, DNA Repair Frequency, Frequency of Transformation is known for its powerful transformation effects on human body as it helps to return human DNA to its original, perfect state, followed by its beneficial effects of increased amount of energy.
Since all of our products are infused with these technologies, you can rest assured that when you purchase any Miracle Products you're getting support on both a biological and energetic level!
Integrating Ancient Wisdom with Modern Techniques
Homeopathy is a vast topic, with hundreds of years of research, validation and success behind it. Before the Civil War in the USA, Homeopathic hospitals were in the majority over ‘allopathic’ ones. The first head of the AMA was a Homeopath!
The ‘father’ of modern homeopathy was Samuel Hahnemann (1755 – 1843) a German chemist and university professor. He noticed that in his area of Germany the local Herbalists had greater success in health matters than the relatively new group of Physicians. His curiosity aroused, he learned the Herbalists depended largely on a principle known as ‘the Doctrine of Signatures’. This was the idea that if a plant resembled in some fashion an aspect of human anatomy, the Creator, in its wisdom, intended it to be used to help that part or function.
Hahnemann was a natural scientist with a number of experimental subjects at his disposal in the form of university students. Then, as now, in order to pass a course, a student may need to surrender to the professor’s ‘experiments’ in order to pass!
Hahnemann made tinctures by soaking herbs in alcohol, and gave them to his students, asking them to record all effects, including mental emotional and spiritual as well as physical effects, as they took increasingly larger doses of these herbs. This created a compendium of ‘drug pictures’, which were very detailed descriptions of the effects of these herbs at higher and higher doses. He understood that at higher doses, many ‘beneficial’ herbs were actually poisons! And this is exactly what his ‘subjects’ discovered.
At a certain point in his studies, Hahnemann began to give his students more dilute forms of the tinctures to work with. To his surprise, the more dilute with water the tincture, the more apparent were its affects. Between dilutions, Hahnemann would shake, or ‘succus’ the tinctures to impart the imprint of the prior solution. Perhaps unknowingly, he was imprinting the molecules of water, which, being magnetic in nature, and magnetisable, would take on the molecular ‘shape’ or form of any foreign molecule present upon shaking. Even at dilutions where no original herbal molecule remained, it was possible to impart this magnetic imprint to a new dilution by shaking it.
Dr Emoto
Dr Emoto is famous for his water crystal experiments; whereupon emotional frequencies could imprint or alter water crystalisation.
Homeopathic remedies are taken under the tongue where there are specialized body cells which ‘interpret’ incoming substances by their molecular shape. In the case of the remedies, the body was being ‘fooled’ into thinking a poison was being ingested, and would begin to reverse the symptoms that poison would cause.
If the same symptoms were present for another reason, say a cold or flu, the homeopathic of the poison that would cause the same symptoms would ‘nudge’ the body toward balancing these symptoms. This illustrates the ‘like treat like’ concept of Homeopathy, where the Homeopathic version of a poison will reverse the symptoms the poison would create.
Hahnemann was obviously a very astute student of life, and highly intuitive to conceive of such an elegant healing system. More recent studies (Benveniste, Emoto) have confirmed the unique information transfer and storage abilities of plain water.
In Homotoxicology, a marriage of homeopathy and cellular biology, we see the recognition of a water/protein matrix throughout the body, called the ‘mesenchyme’. The water in our bodies has this same information transfer ability, and the protein structures, including ‘microtubules’ provide the physical basis for the transfer of non-physical quantum field energies to physical effects. So we see Homeopathy involves both a physical effect through cell shape receptors, and an energetic-transfer effect via the mesenchyme.
In Hahnemann’s day a Homeopathic Physician needed to study the ‘drug pictures’ of all known herbs in order to best match the clients’ symptoms with the best remedy at the best potency. This took long hours of study and mental effort to master. Today, with the help of the Clasp32 program, we get instant feedback via Reactivity as to the best remedies and potencies, most of which are energetically represented in the Test Matrix for direct delivery or duplication into water.
With Homeopathy, we see validation of the idea of ‘the power of the subtle’. The idea that ‘less is more’ runs counter to the materialist assumption that ‘more is better’. Yet it is the basis of most of what we call ‘energy medicine’, including ancient healing techniques from all cultures throughout history.
In Energy Medicine all of the programs and substances are administered at ‘biological levels’ of energy. Therefore we are working with the body, not against it, at its own level of functioning. We are using subtle electrical information tailored to bring the body back to its natural balance and ease of flow.
To understand Subspace we must look at the overall composition of the physical and non- physical universe. Any model by necessity is a simplification of many complex ideas, but the ‘3 Level Model’ does help in understanding and explaining the puzzling world of Subspace.
Imagine a pyramid structure divided into 3 horizontal sections. The top 1/3 of the model could represent the Physical world of objects in space. We have a pretty easy time understanding and dealing with the Physical realm because our senses operate here. There are firm laws that describe how matter operates physically, such as Newton’s Laws of motion and gravity. This level represents Matter at its densest compared to the levels below it, and as such physical matter is also the slowest or last level to respond to change.
However, it is well known that everything Physical is made up of molecules. This is the second level of the model. Our senses can’t perceive this level, but specialised technology, which extends our senses, can. The electron microscope is an example, used by Emoto to take his incredible photos of water molecules.
Molecular matter behaves much differently than Physical matter, so we have new laws and rules to explain this level; the laws of Chemistry, or Biochemistry when we talk about living things.
These top 2 levels could both be considered ‘physical’, and make up the focus of Allopathic Medicine. The Empirical scientific view reduces Life to mere physical and chemical processes, so we have a Medicine focused on Surgery and Drugs.
However, around the early 1900’s, theoretical physicists, who were dealing with mathematical models, suspected there was yet another level of matter where physical matter became pure energy. Of course, Einstein later formalised this concept with his ‘E=MC2’ formula, indicating matter and energy were interchangeable.
For discussion sake, we can place the Atom on the dividing line below the Molecular level, and call the 3d level the level of the pyramid Subspace, sub-atomic wave-particles (or ‘wavicles) or the Quantum level. ‘Quanta’ simply means the ‘smallest part of a thing’, and is not an entirely accurate way of describing energy at this level.
Because Quantum wave-particles behave much differently than molecules, a new set of ‘rules’ began to take shape. These became the Laws of Quantum Physics; the most studied and validated branch of scientific research of the 20th century!
Quantum Communication and the Observer Effect
One of the most puzzling aspects of these ‘energy packets’ which make up atoms, is that at times they behave like pure waves of energy, like electricity or radio waves. At other times, they behave more like particles, or objects.
This puzzled many early scientists, and stretched their minds...how could something be both a wave and a particle? It defied common logic.
The answer was provided by early experiments where the physicists predicted that if they could accelerate and collide two atoms (using extreme electromagnetic energy in a circular tunnel), subatomic particles would be released and produce an effect on a photographic plate, showing the energy released in the form of a photon (or quanta) of light. And it worked!
Well...not all the time.
How Human Consciousness Shapes Reality
It seemed as long as there was a human observer involved in the experiment, the results would show, but if the experiment was run without a direct observer, no results would show.
At first, it was assumed this was just a coincidence, and that there was something wrong with the equipment. But after running hundreds of trials, the ‘observer effect’ could not be disproved.
This brought a whole new element into the experimental model, up until this time never considered important; human consciousness. The implications of this effect were enormous, and enormously unpopular with ‘classic’ scientists of the day. If this was true, that observation affects physical reality, it means all of the scientific experiments assumed to be valid up to this time had to be reconsidered as ‘tainted’.
This would be a major catastrophe in the scientific community, and a challenge to the scientific egos of the day to admit “I was wrong!”
What this implies is that human consciousness is intimately involved with the physical world, and is not a ‘detached observer’. This notion reaffirms the ancient concept that consciousness creates reality...that reality is the result of consciousness, and not the other way around, as the Materialists would have us believe. The notion that the objective world exists separate from the observer is uniquely modern, and is the indirect result of the philosophical ‘mind-body split’ that occurred in Europe during the so-called period of ‘Enlightenment’.
These modern ideas cast humans as a product of the world trough evolution and natural laws..., which implied we are all potential victims of a cruel, heartless world, and must struggle to survive. These notions were very conveniently tied to the rise of Capitalism, which relied on the labor (slavery) of the many for the benefit of the few.
Ancient cultures, on the other hand, were more in tune with the Quantum view of reality, and understood that everything ‘out there’ is actually experienced ‘in here’, and ultimately makes up a unified whole. We would call these cultures ‘backward’ and ‘introspective’ as they put less attention on exploiting the outer world and more on inner development. Nevertheless, Quantum Physics is now validating this ancient view that everything, including thought, is energy, and therefore everything, including thought and perception, affects everything else. Is this not the literal meaning of the word ‘universe’? That is, ‘one song’...one set of harmonious frequencies combining to create a magical Symphony of Life!
To take our pyramid model, then, another step we could say the foundation of the whole structure is Consciousness, first Individuated Consciousness, second Collective Human Consciousness, and third the ‘One’ or source of all consciousness. And the lines dividing each level are actually more like transparent membranes...any action we initiate at any level ‘echoes’ out and affects all levels. For example, a physical massage can affect the emotional body, which is a purely energetic aspect of biology. Or a Subspace subtle energy device can create physical shifts while focusing on the purely energetic aspects of the body.
We now know there are physical structures in the body and brain that allow for the transfer of pure Quantic wave energy to physical responses in the body. These are the ‘actin filaments’ surrounding and penetrating each cell, and the ‘microtubules’ also involved on a cellular level, all encased within the watery ‘mesenchyme’ of the body. This is our ‘Quantum antenna’, as it were.
When we experience a thought about someone, there are electrical signals produced by the brain. There is also subtle Quantum energy waves created at the same time, which are described as ‘non-local’. This means that because they operate at a level where ‘time’ and ‘space’ do not, Quantum energy waves is not limited by ‘time’ and ‘space’. When our friend at a distance is sensitive to the brain waves produced by the subtle shifts in the Quantum field (Subspace) by your thought, they may have a conscious connection with you. We call this a ‘hunch’ or ‘intuition’, and we do this all the time.
From this perspective, everything ‘out there’ exists first as only a wave, which is more a potential, than a ‘thing’. When we give something attention, the waves congeal or ‘collapse’ into particles by the force of our consciousness to create a physical reality. This means all we ever experience is ourselves creating realities, and if we want to change the world ‘out there’, we are
right where we need to be to create a new one. It also answers the question, ‘If a tree falls in the forest and nobody’s there, does it make a sound’?
What we described as two brains communicating in Subspace is called ‘Subspace Communication’, and is a verified fact. The Russians were using this ability between mother rabbits and their babies during the cold war to secretly communicate with their submarines! ‘Remote Viewers’ are government-trained individuals who can literally project their consciousness to any place or time in the universe and come back and report what they saw, heard, and sensed. And of course the power of Prayer has now been validated statistically to produce measurable healing benefits.
This describes the ‘wave like’ aspects of the Quantum world. When a subatomic particle is in a wave state, it could be said to (potentially) exist anywhere in time or space. Particles can go back and forth from a wave to a particle state. As our brains our conditioned to think of things spatially, this is not an easy concept to accept. However, it does help to explain the ‘instantaneous’ nature of Quantum Communication. Observers have noticed how thought travels ‘faster than the speed of light’. The ‘Hundredth Monkey Effect’ formalised this notion of instant communication, particularly between members of the same species.
We have already discussed the primary role of human consciousness in the appearance of matter that is the collapse of waves into particles. This puts you in the ‘driver’s seat’, and is ultimately an empowering notion. Attention with the Power of Intent = Creation.
Apparently subatomic particles occur in pairs. Perhaps this is just an aspect of Duality, a principle that everything in creation seems to co-exist along with its opposite. This idea is perfectly symbolised by the Asian ‘yin – yang’ symbol. The implication here is that whatever action is applied to a subatomic particle, its twin, no matter where it is manifest, is equally affected. The applications for subspace communication come to mind, as well the possibility for ‘parallel’ worlds.
The Brain: a Quantum Computer
The Computer: a Quantum Brain
Technology only ever expands on a human ability. It is how we extend ourselves into the world, and learn about ourselves in the process. At the present level of human consciousness, we are just beginning to wake up to this potential within ourselves. Ancient cultures, however, were accessing these abilities through shamanic and ‘spiritual’ practices. We have much to learn from their accumulated experience and wisdom.
May your journey be filled with Wonder and Miracles!
By; Alyce Harms, with special thanks to my deeply missed mentor, Dave Cowan.